Does This Sound Familiar?

  • Never Feel Hungry

    You never feel hungry so you think you do not need to eat. But you keep cutting and cutting calories and nothing is changing in your body.

  • Results Plateau

    You have tried every single diet and trick under the sun and nothing is changing in your body. No matter how hard you workout or little you eat you're stuck.

  • Terrible Symptoms

    What's worse, is now you have new symptoms like brittle hair, trouble sleeping, gut disruption, and period symptoms that seem to get worse each day.

Module 2: The Metabolic Rehab Method🔥

Hormones control every single aspect of your metabolic function. If your hormones are disrupted, traditional diets will not work because they only add more stress to your system. 

Undereating (which you might not even know you are doing) is the NUMBER 1 cause of weight gain, stubborn belly fat, and hormone imbalance. 

Traditional diet culture has completely skewed your perception of what you need for optimal health. Leading to under eat and miss huge nutrient gaps and resulting in metabolic down-regulation. 

Rebuild your metabolism and become a fat-burning machine by FUELING system function. So yes, you guessed it. We focus on what you can ADD to your diet, not take away. 

In this in-depth e-course I teach you how to move through metabolic rehab to turn your body into a fat-burning machine! You will learn to eat more, balance hormones, and do it in a way that brings on effortless weight loss and endless energy. Win Win! 

No restriction, no deprivation, no worry about being perfect. Learn how to eat in a way that fuels metabolic health and that you enjoy every day. 

Identify Metabolic Red Flags will walk you through a metabolic assessment to understand what your damage is to game plan for quick results. ($197 value)

Metabolic Rehab 101 I give you my proven firey metabolism formula and teach you exactly how to map out your meals to success to kickstart weight-loss in 1 month ($227 value)

The Food Foundation Formula unlocks your highest fat burn and energy potential by teaching you how to match your meals to your hormones. You will see your energy sky-rocked and the inches shed ($207 value)

The PMTT Method gives you easy and time saving strategies to plan, prep, and track your food in less than 1 hour for an entire week. This makes having a plan your easiest option ($157 value)

The Diet Culture Detox will teach you how to eat in a way that promotes insane results without compromising on your favorite fun foods. So yes, you will lose weight still eating nachos and ice cream! ($187 value)

Total Value: $905 for JUST $319 (and lifetime access)

Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 1.1

    2. Lesson 1.2

    3. Lesson 1.2 & 1.3 - Diet Culture Impact & Metabolic Status Assessment

    4. Lesson 1.3

    1. Lesson 2.1

    2. Lesson 2.1 - 2.3 - Designing Your Reverse Diet

    3. Lesson 2.2

    4. Lesson 2.3

    5. Lesson 2.4

    1. Lesson 3.1

    2. Lesson 3.1 - Common Macro Measurements & Quick Macro Guide

    3. Lesson 3.2

    4. Lesson 3.3

    5. Lesson 3.3 - Hormone Optimization Protocol

    6. Lesson 3.4

    7. Lesson 3.4 - Weekly Meal Planning Template

    1. Lesson 4.1

    2. Lesson 4.2

    3. Lesson 4.3

    4. Lesson 4.4

    5. *Bonus* - MFP Walkthrough

    1. Lesson 5.1

    2. Lesson 5.2

    3. Lesson 5.3

    4. Lesson 5.4

    5. Lesson 5.3

    6. Diet Culture Awareness Quiz

    1. Bonus 1: Assessing Your Body's Response

    2. Bonus 2: Updating Your Reverse Diet Plan

    3. Metabolic Reassessment

About this course

  • Over 31 Video Lessons & Worksheets
  • Total Value $975 for JUST $319