Sound Too Familiar?

  • Overwhelmed & Anxious

    You are overwhelmed every single day and it is giving you anxiety. You feel like you are being pulled in 18 different directions and cannot get recovered.

  • Burnt Out

    You cannot do anymore. You are tired, burnt out, and your hormones are body are feeling it. You are puffy, gaining weight, and wired but tired.

  • Stress Sensitive

    Any little thing is setting you off. If one more thing is added to your plate you feel like you might explode!

Module 4: The Stress Symposium 🧘‍♀️

High stress and cortisol imbalance is not soley caused by emotional stress. Your stress response can be constantly activated even if you do not "feel stressed". This adrenal overload creates a biological HALT in your body. 

If your cortisol is disrupted ALL OTHER hormones and systems are disrupted as a result. Meaning, you cannot gloss over stress. Even more important, your unique stress imbalances, hidden causes of chronic stress, and the subconscious exposure to  "hustle culture" influence your results and if you can KEEP them.

In integrative nutrition, we focus on managing the stressors in life you CAN control. You will get easy-to-implement but highly impactful strategies you need to make the permanent switch from hustle culture to HORMONE culture! 👏

In Decode Your Stress we understand the areas of stress in you life causing the most disruption to create a customized game plan to deliver results fast ($197 value) 

You Stress Type dives even deeper in understanding the exact disruption in your cortisol curve. This is how you pick interventions that transform your life in 1/2 the time. ($207 value)

Conquer Stress Addiction is tough but necessary. When you are stressed you become addicted to it. If you want results, we have to break this cycle. ($107 value)

The Stress Management Toolkit is my in-depth guide to address the 7 areas of stress in your life with exact strategies to both prevent stress and support you through it ($247 value)

Your Sleep Makeover gives you the foundation for a sleep routine that will ensure you wake up refreshed every day! ($197 value)

Total Value: $955 for JUST $319 (and lifetime access)

Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 1.1

    2. Lesson 1.2

    3. Lesson 1.2 Handout - Stress Management Toolkit

    4. Lesson 1.3

    5. Lesson 1.3 Quiz

    6. Lesson 1.4

    7. Lesson 1.4 Handout - Stress Addiction Assessment

    1. Lesson 2.1

    2. Lesson 2.1 Handout - Cortisol Imbalance Type Quiz

    3. Lesson 2.2

    4. Lesson 2.3

    1. Lesson 3.1

    2. Lesson 3.1 Handout - Sleep Diary & Evaluation

    3. Lesson 3.2

    1. The Stress Symposium - Evaluation

About this course

  • Over 15 Video Lessons + Worksheets
  • Total Value $955 for JUST $319
  • Lifetime Access